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    • Posted by: Richard Salmon
    • Category: Strange News

    There’s nothing like enhancing your home with a little something extra. Maybe you want a little extra space for your new born little tyke or maybe you’re looking to sell in the near future and want to boost the property’s value. Or, maybe you’ve lost it a little and just think “yeah, I want that there”, regardless of the any sense of rationale or aesthetics. Sometimes this pays off, other times it defies belief.


    The straw that broke the camel’s back

    This is one structure I would simply not feel safe in. It’s teetering off the top floor of this building in a manner that begs an unruly and chubby chocolate-chomping child to repeatedly jump up and down in a bitter face-off with gravity. There’s no smugness in victory for the little chubby funster, just a shattered spine and ruptured spleen. And his disappointed older brother is left with one less room and a doorway to death on the outer wall of his apartment. Not to mention that the portly sibling has single-handedly halved the size of the flat and ended the espionage mission to spy on the girl next door, and not in the most subtle way possible.


    Gravity challenge

    Speaking of gravity, this home extension just goes ahead and spits on it while kicking dust in Isaac Newton’s face. Typically, when you add a little something to your home, you don’t usually quintuple the size of it, or recreate a massive levitating doppelganger of the Jawa-mobile from Star Wars IV: A New Hope. I know that if I was moving in to this place, I’d be shotgunning the attic room in a heartbeat. Although I would be fearfully awaiting the day that a tornado decides to roll through town, reducing my humble abode to a pile of splintered wood and leaving me forlorn and dejected.


    I thought the existence of them was up in the air

    There’s a lot of alien-obsessed folk over the other side of the pond, endlessly dwelling and speculating on 1947 Roswell UFO incident. The owner of this property took their obsession to the next level by dumping a makeshift UFO lookalike on top of their modest one-storey shack. It’s pretty cool, all things considered. Imagine having you bedroom in there. You could wake up in the morning with the sunlight pouring in through each window, get on your alien-themed bike, let the ramp drop down to planet Earth and then blast out at full speed down the disability ramp and off into the horizon like you were starring in The Drifters. The science-fiction western we’ve all dreamed of.


    Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the house

    Resale value? Who needs resale value? The chap who lives in this Great White shark infested home in suburban Oxfordshire clearly intends to spend the rest of his days in this here property, after making the commitment of a lifetime by plunging a giant shark replica through his own roof. Yeah, we all love sharks. We wait around for Shark Week every year with baited breath and love to use the famous “duh da duh da” from Jaws whenever there is a moment of fearful anticipation. I’d go as far to say I would wear a t-shirt with a giant shark eating a boat on it. Would I, however, do this to the home I spent thousands of pounds of my hard-earned cash on? Probably not. Even Oxford City Council tried to get Bill Heine, the man who commissioned the shark, to have it removed, but to no avail. I feel sorry for his poor family who have to deal with it when the poor sod pops his clogs and they inherit it. What a windfall that will be.

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